A couple of years ago I painted a series from photos I took of a particular camellia bloom and I titled it “Vespers”. They were done in my monochromatic palette and looking back now that seems especially fitting. Many of you know I lost my mom in May 2014. Fewer of you know she was in hospice care at home during her last few months.

Her garden was her creative outlet. She knew every plant and flower by name and it always amazed me. Well, when she was at home during her last days, this single bloom appeared outside her back door near the kitchen window. Someone cut it and floated it in a bowl, like she would have, and carried it inside for her to see. I took it home one night and took several photos because I thought it was beautiful.

“Vespers” 36×36 Oil on Canvas
I chose the name “Vespers” because she loved those prayer and worship meetings and even held some in this house. And because I knew that people coming in that back door to say goodbye were praying and broken hearted. And some even came by to offer a song.

One of the photos I took that night.
And it occurred to me this time, while I was painting this special camellia, that this must have been the last bloom from my mom’s garden. Wow. And, I painted it in color.

Painting a new “Vespers”
Time doesn’t heal all wounds but I think it brings the color back. Pretty special to me. Thank you for reading my story. I hope maybe it blessed you as much as it did me to share it.