I have had an instant camera floating around my studio for years. It was in my mom’s car when she passed away and who knows how long she had it in there. I finally remembered to drop it off at the drugstore to get the pictures developed. Would it still be salvageable? What was on it? Whatever it was, it would be a small glimpse into her heart.

Things in her day to day that captured her attention enough that she wanted to savor and remember it. She was not a photographer. Her gifts were gardening, writing, story telling, sprinkling joy, spreading mischief, setting a beautiful table, praying for anyone who asked and making friends with total strangers. (To name just a few!) When I picked up the photos you can be sure I could hardly wait to open the envelope. Remember those days? When we had to wait for film to be developed before we could see how our pictures looked? So what had she “captured”?

It was Easter from over ten years ago with the film’s color a little distorted. Her daughters and their families. Her grands. A lot of candids, which is what she preferred because those were “real” life. I’m sure she didn’t warn anyone she was going to snap their photo and it shows. They were all from her perspective of course. My sister working in her kitchen. The kids standing behind their chairs waiting to be seated for lunch. The in laws visiting with one another. There were a few posed group family photos outside per tradition. Thankfully she was in some of those herself. And there was also an accidental shot or two…the roof of her car and what may be the inside of her Sunday purse. But that was of no mind to her. Because she was looking for treasure. And she found it.