Great news! My new Spring Art Print Collection is now available! Every change of season brings with it a little feeling of excitement. Nature puts on a show and it is one of the most reliable things we experience in our lives. Each season has its unique beauty, but something about Spring feels more hopeful to me than the others. And after a pandemic year and all that has come with it, we need Spring more than ever.
Ironically, my latest series of prints was born in a time of quarantine while longing for Spring and eager to get out of the house. From my bedroom window I can see the tops of my neighbors trees. I like to imagine I'm in a treehouse with a bird's eye view. When the weather allows it, I crack the windows open and enjoy the fresh air, and with it, a chorus of birds.
As happens during quarantine, I became a little stir crazy and thought I may bust if I didn't create SOMETHING. So I set up a little TV tray table under the said window and got out my little box of watercolor supplies. Thinking of Spring, I sketched my usual nest and then moved on to birds and a lamb. It is fun to capture my work on video and put it to music. The response to those has been great! Be sure to visit my instagram page if you haven't seen them. Here is a link.
The originals sold quickly and were shipped near and far. I am amazed at how instagram makes the world seem smaller and I am thankful for the community it has brought together. I am touched by those who, like me, find hope in Spring and find my work to be an encouragement. A reminder that seasons change and the Creator makes all things new and beautiful!
So what's next?
No more quarantine. Hooray! The Harding Art Show is just two months away so it's time for me to focus on paintings for that. Today the prints from the bedroom are now available on my website. I love the wren. Their eggs are beautiful and they had a band around them at the widest point. Which one is your favorite? Is there a bird you don't see that you wish I would paint? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Visit the shop to see this new collection here.