1. How long did it take you to paint that?
This is actually the #1 question I am asked at art shows. As my friend Tena Payne says when asked about her pottery…”It’s taken over 50 years.” That makes sense when we take into consideration the lifetime of experience and expertise. My pieces usually take between 2-5 days depending on the size and subject. But it’s much more complicated than that. Also, I’m not as patient as some would think when they look at my work. I have found the longer a painting takes or the ones I work on the longest are not my favorite. Now, I’m my own worst critic and it may not be as obvious to others, but every artist knows it’s possible to “over work” a painting. Some pieces feel like they’re just “born”. It’s hard to explain but it’s when a painting is effortless and seems to just come together quickly. This doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does it’s usually a favorite.
2. What inspires you?
The standard answer repeated by artists is…nature. I think you can see it in my work. How I zero in on details that captivate me. Someone said they see things in my work they wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. I’m a curious observer of everything under the sun. In a word... “wonder”.

3. Are your children artist’s too?
I think they are both very creative. But neither wanted to take art classes beyond elementary school. Our son has the mind of an engineer and a great “ear” for music. I think our daughter is artistic but also has other interests. Her handwriting is so beautiful and she created the most ingenious things as a child. She’s a gifted writer and loves to bake as well. I would love it if either one of them were to pursue any of the arts of course! I would love to paint with them.
4. How did you get started?
I took every single art class offered in school. I had teachers in elementary school who encouraged me a great deal and even gave me the task of decorating some of the school bulletin boards. I exhausted the high school art curriculum and had to make up my own lessons. That’s how much I loved art! I sold my first piece in high school. It was a pencil drawing of a beach scene that a doctor hung in his examination room. (Thank you forever Dr. Hurd!)

5. Have you always been creative?
One of my earliest memories is of a drawing I did as a small child that my mom promptly had made into a plate. It’s long gone now, but I remember it clearly. She would boast about the details of the girl I drew who had a pocketbook and shoelaces. I also remember selling small crayon drawings door to door in our neighborhood for a penny. And I can show you the house where the woman lived who paid me a whole nickel.

6. Do you take custom orders?
Yes! Commissions are open a couple of times a year. I’d love to work with you and create a special piece all your own. Contact me for estimates and to learn more about the process.
7. Do you teach?
No, not yet. I have great intentions of doing so but have not found the time just yet. Soon I hope!
Now it's your turn! Have any questions you'd like to ask? Leave them in the comments below or send an email and I'll get back to you.